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Wednesday 20 March 2019


Beach Buoy had been to work.
He and Stubborn Dog reached the beach as the village church chimed for 4-30 pm
As you can see much of the non tidal part of the beach is very stoney as much of the sand had been blown away recently; it will be back.
That's what Tiggers ... sorry Beaches do best.
A couple and child were down at the much more sandy water's edge with two 
One of them came into shot as Beach Buoy took the photograph.... as you can see.
The tide was quite high but going out.
The wind was off the land and had some warmth in it.

Sunlight scanned the Beach in waves like a barcode as clouds surrounded it; eventually a black cloud moved in, the wind picked up and the temperature dropped.
The fair weather teenagers that were sat at the dune edge moved on.
The sea was as flat as a pancake, albeit a pancake with ripples and a seagull topping bobbing around upon it. 
Today even the Sea Serpent was missing, possibly resting his weary head on the sea bed?

Just before the grey rocks, they had a sit and think.
More of a collapse and think to be honest but Beach Buoy made use of the stop and took some photographs.
Above them a high, high pitched aeroplane let its position know as it 
negotiated  the big black cloud.
It seemed to disturb the sea serpent as it raised its head from the deep... sleep.
A distant hi-viz man approached so Beach Buoy clambered to his aching feet.

As they headed back, as if by magic the sun appeared from under the big black cloud.
The light seemed 
brighter, crisper, more welcome than before because really speaking, that could have been it for the day?
The air warmed a little.

Beach Buoy doesn't agree with vehicles on the beach, but at least this one's tyre tracks looked impressive in the bold, strong light.

They made their way back.
Beach Buoy opened the side door of the van and sat on the ledge.
It took an age to change his boots.
He climbed up front and viewed the sea and the people that walked, ran and cycled on the promenade.

A couple with a 
pushchair went by, together but alone as the two adults were both talking into mobile phones as they shared some family time.

A Lorry parked up for the night.
No doubt it would be another driver with fish and chips for tea.