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Monday 11 March 2019


It wasn't meant to be a  beach day today.
The plan was .. work then dentist at 4-45 for a check up.
The dentist cancelled for the fifth time. The 
original  appointment was last November!
Beach Buoy had been in between all of this for tablets but the wait for a check up continues......
As he drove from work he spotted a surfer in the sea down by Newbu
rn Bridge, he automatically looked for the surfer's mode of transport.

VW Van in the car park.
He went for both dogs and headed for the beach.
They saw a lady carrying too many bags, all in one hand.
she was leaning over to counter-balance the weight. 
Maybe a state of equilibrium may have been a better plan?
Beach Buoy parked up in the car park just before 4-15 pm.
He sat in the van a short while.
A man in a green hat descended the ramp to the beach. He was talking on his mobile phone. Just before he and his hat disappeared, he glanced towards Beach Buoy's van. It looked funny, like a comedy sketch of someone pretending  to go down some make believe staircase. It was the last minute look that did it.
See link below.
fake stairs / ramp 

There were some nice waves rolling in.
There was a fresh breeze from 
the west, escaping to the sea.
The tide would peak in around two hours.

Beach Buoy is not keeping  many of his finds anymore.
He photographed this one and released it to the wild once again.
A large ship left the Tees  and puffed out a large cloud of black smoke once it was in the open sea of the bay.

The ship headed north east.
Beach Buoy realised then, how the vast majority seem to head south.

The Sun was giving off very little heat.
Just a milky sun today.
A lady went by with two Greyhounds.
One was the colour of 
sea coal, the other was the colour of the sand; neither of them were grey.

The sea was dramatic at times , but the light wasn't the best for taking photographs in.
They walked as far as the grey rocks.

They headed back.
The sea was claiming more and more of the beach as the tide continued to come in.
The sea foam seemed to hiss in 
disappointment as it failed to claim even more beach as it stretched, peaked and returned to its source.
Four Oyster Catchers flew by, close to the sea, punctuating the air with their call and the view with their presence.