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Wednesday 27 February 2019


Another work day.
It started as usual with a dog walk around the block.
Today was no different.
The seagulls were flying high in the sky without pattern to 
their flight ; no V shapes just here, there and everywhere.
The birds worked their way randomly to the west and disappeared only to return shortly afterwards to have a mid-air argument as to who had forgotten  to double check the front door was locked before they had set off... and then they were gone.....
Beach Buoy crossed the road towards the red royal mail post box.
letter box looked a little like an old style Sergeant Major.
The shield over the letter slot angled like the soldiers cap would be as he shouted at raw recruits.

Ahead the moon was hanging there in the sky like a half finished painting; done with a selection of pale watercolours.
The moon was underlined by a pink vapour trial of a long gone aeroplane.
Beach Buoy went to work..

Work done and a trip to the local shops over (Saw SHOP CAT.)
It was beach time.
Beach Buoy and two dogs set off on the short journey to the beach. 
They passed a man wearing a flat cap and a lumberjack shirt, walking behind a horse down by the gutter in the road.
 Possibly getting the Horse used to the traffic before they headed out in a buggy?
So.. the photograph above was 4-30 pm.
The weather was glorious.
 It felt like a July day at 8pm, after a hot day.

The three went South.
A man with shorts and tee shirt walked by with his dog.
The man looked like he was a walking Spanish Flag, with the colours that he had chosen to wear.
His dog looked like it had been drawn with a fine black pen and a sharp pencil.
2B or not 2B ?

A dog-less couple went by.
They had been searching the nearby shingle; presumably for sea glass or shells and not a dog?
Beach Buoy ended up on the trail of some barefoot tracks that had headed south earlier.
Whoever's tracks they were following, had 
unusually  large big toes.
A starfish laid on the shoreline.
Beach Buoy put it back in the sea.

Beach Buoy turned back to see the source of the heat on the back of his neck.
Reminder... FEBRUARY!
around 5pm.

They walked as far as the three hump sea serpent.
Three tugs had just left the river.
They were waiting in the bay for their ship to come in.. aren't we all?

Beach Buoy headed to the dunes ... a quick thank you to the sun.
They say the mild weather is coming to an end?

"Thanks Sun ... it's been a ball"

Well it still is really...

The sun seemed embarrassed by the fuss.
It blushed and hid behind a tree in the car park.

..... and as the the blog was finished
was caught trying to eat a book off the shelf.
It wasn't even a Reader's Digest book...