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Sunday 16 December 2018


Beach Buoy's body alarm clock woke him at 6am.
He gets up at 5-50am on work days.
wasn't a work day.
It was still dark.
The wind whistled outside.
Beach Buoy didn't recognise the tune and wouldn't  be able to name it in a 100 never mind in 3 or 4.
Beach Buoy padded off in the darkness to the smallest room in the house.
The air felt warmer than yesterday; must be a milder day, either that or the central heating had been left on all night?
It was milder.
He padded back to his bed.
Stubborn Dog was curled up nearby like a Cat!
"I knew it!" thought Beach Buoy...."Cat in a dog suit."
The little dog was Snoring like a Drunken Sailor.
Beach Buoy laid back down with a song running through his  half-asleep head ...
Time to hit head on pillow and get back into that 
Beach Buoy never found the way back into the dream and thought sleep hadn't arrived either but in the blink of two eyes it was 7-20am.
The wind had stopped whistling.
They passed the Golf Club. The mourning flag was limp, looking a little like a discarded Bath Towel.
The Car Park played host to around 4 or 5 vehicles and half a dozen sea birds, it's pot-holed surface looked level this morning as last night's heavy rain had filled the potholes with rainwater.

Beach time was 7-44am.
By now the 7 am club were half way back on their walk.

It was a stoney walk to the water's edge as much of the soft sand had gone during yesterday's strong winds.
It was a much milder day today.
The tide was out enough to have the Seaton Wreck half at sea and half aground.
The Strong wind had gone but the Seabirds at the water's edge still faced the breeze so as not to ruffle their feathers.
The tide was coming in.
The unevenness  of the Beach had created a sandbank and the incoming Sea was being sent in all directions.
Beach Buoy 
and Stubborn Dog left the Confused Sea behind and headed for the Dunes.

Beach Buoy stood up in the Dunes looking out to Sea at the Sea Serpent, the birds that flocked around it  and had a think.
There wasn't much cloud around; a swirl over near the River Tees and a Large Paper Rocket shaped piece, West of the dunes.
He continued South to The River, up and down the undulating Dunes. He developed a method of getting down the steep sandy slopes by forcing his heels deep into the dune sand as he descended, sort of making a sandy staircase. He came here as child, running up the very same Dunes and jumping off them!

Beach Buoy picked up
as part of his Beach Clean.

The Sunrise appeared over The Cleveland Hills.
A Photographer with a tripod, stood down on North Gare Beach capturing the moment.

The Sun took the short cut across the River as the Transporter Bridge wouldn't be open just yet... not on a Sunday anyway.

After a short North Gare Beach walk they headed back to the Bay. Beach Buoy was going to stick to the Dunes but was tempted down by the Grey Rocks by the amount of shingle located there.
Beach Buoy wondered what were the odds to find a sea alley?
A Million to one?
"There must be a million pieces of shingle on view."

A Million and one.
Shingle became stones.
Stones became Rocks.
Eventually the Grey Rocks ended and they became Beach.
Behind them all of the above became Sea as the tide edged inwards.

Beach Buoy paused, faced the Sun and closed his eyes as the Sun shone on his face.
Vitamin Sea and Vitamin D.
He spent the next 10 to 15 minutes or so kidding himself it was April with all of it's optimism of light, warmer weather ahead.
It was mild enough.