Scotland claimed the Bay as theirs. Let's make the River Tees the new Border.
A noise spilt onto the beach.
It was a man.
He was dressed in sports attire, he was with three children of various sizes. He was either a Sports Coach or a very keen Dad.
The Children ran up and down the Dunes. They disappeared back into the Dunes, appearing a little later stood on top of a large dune.
The Adult was pointing.
The Children stood with their hands on their hips.
Beach Buoy returned to the car park.
A learner driver was travelling around the almost empty car park learning how to manoeuvre around flocks of resting seabirds.
Beach Buoy sat looking at the horizon.
The toy solar powered plastic monkey on the dashboard rocked from side to side.
The Van rocked too, due to the increasing strength of the wind.