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Sunday 23 December 2018


A glance out of the long narrow window at the side of the house, the one that gave a view of the sky over the Beach hinted at a grey day.
As Beach Buoy put on some boots at the front door, Seagulls cried out overhead.
He put a couple of coats and a harness on Stubborn Dog. He picked up the little Dog.
As always the Dog made a sound, not unlike that of a Teddy Bear of yesteryear would make when you tilted it forwards.
Beach Buoy opened the front door and waited for that moment. The moment the air would hit you and you could tell in an instant how the weather was.
No blast of cold air this 
It was mild for the time of year and a little damp.
The Car Park was empty momentarily, due to the fact that as soon as Beach Buoy arrived another vehicle followed.
Beach Buoy sat in the van a short while to let the newcomers get ahead on the beach.
He sat looking out to 
A dog passed by on the promenade.
It was wearing a flashing blue collar.
"Could it be a Police Dog?" he jokingly asked himself.
"Nah, no siren." he answered in his head.
He changed into his beach boots, then headed for the sand.
The 7 am club had already headed back Northwards.
He could see them in the distance.
He headed to the water's edge, his footprints joining thousands of others of all sizes, going all directions, all with different tales to tell.
It was a grey damp morning. Very fine rain drifted 
down as the sound of a clattering train travelled across the dunes from the train track a couple of miles to the East. 
A Jogger headed South gasping out a "Morning!" as he passed.
"Morning!" replied Beach Buoy to the energetic beach goer.
The jogger was in black apart from a high visibility yellow head band and Orange arms as orange as Beach Buoy's coat.
After a while 
the arms swung in the 
darkness alone up towards the Strand-line; their chosen route.

There was no chance of a glowing sunrise this morning.
Beach Buoy looked around at the lights on show.
The Green / White/ Green light combinations from South Gare reflected on the wet Beach surface.
The Sea Serpent Marker had a Red Flashing light.
Beach Buoy watched it.
FLASH. Beach Buoy counted
FLASH. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7.
He looked across at the Headland Lighthouse; a white light.
FLASH 1,2.
FLASH 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.
FLASH 1,2.
FLASH 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.
He thought that for 
accuracy he should have added an "Apple and ."between each number.
That would give a second, at least it did when he was a kid.
The wind turbines out in the Bay had constant Red lights, but this morning the Blades faced the Beach due to the wind direction and gave the impression of flashing as the spinning blades passed their markers.

The Gasping Jogger was heading back.
Would it be one of those awkward moments?
Like when you meet someone in a supermarket. You say "Hi.", possibly chat ? Then you bump into them up and down every 
aisle and give that daft laugh, tut and roll your eyes as you just cant stop again.
Panic over. The Jogger ran across the Beach diagonally, maybe to avoid the aforementioned situation.

After reaching the North Gare Pier, they turned back to a grey scene. He had found a fishing lure down by the Pier. One of those rubbery fish looking ones; it's colours paid homage to today's jogger.
Beach Buoy had found some fingerless gloves in one of his coat pockets. It wasn't that cold but he almost heard his long gone Dad saying."The easiest way to carry something is to wear it."
He put them on.

The low tide and shifting sands exposed the wreck reported a couple of years ago by Beach Buoy to Tees Archaeology, It's bright copper rivets glowing in the gloom.
As Beach Buoy took the photograph the Sea came in a little and Beach Buoy climbed aboard the Ship to save getting wet feet.

Another wreck was visible to the North.

Some of the Vessel's planking still attached.

Beach Buoy looked across the Beach Scene before leaving. He smiled a little at the thought of lighter days ahead, days with Skylarks and Sand Martins for company.
Still cold days ahead. 
February would be the coldest month.

No word of a lie Beach Buoy reached the Van and as he slid the side door open, the Church Bells sounded out for 9-30
The Bus Station's Clock Tower disagreed as it did Yesterday.
Beach Buoy wondered if he should organise some Piano Lessons?
All a bit Groundhog Day.