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Sunday 30 December 2018


It was 8 am.
Four cars in the car park with spaces for maybe two 
hundred  at least. One of the four was parked in Beach Buoy's favourite spot; the one next to where it states M/C in bold white letters for MY CAMPER-VAN! Or possibly Motorcycle.
The sun hadn't risen fully but there was an Orange glow from its light, reflecting on the damp and dripping promenade wall. 
He headed South with two dogs; Stubborn Dog and ... let us call the other dog Sweep. He sweeps ahead when walking and scans the area as he progresses in a sweeping action.. He also squeaks like Sweep from the tv show, Sooty & Sweep, should you try to stop walking for any length of time.
The tide was around one quarter of the way out.
It was mild; no need for gloves.
Beach Buoy's hands went deep into his pockets, as is his way sometimes; his head was deeper in thought.
It was still dark enough for the red flashing light out in the Bay to be visible as if to say
jogger went by, all in black.
He wore extra baggy shorts which made his legs look very thin; the black leggings didn't help!
was the thought that popped in to Beach 
Buoy's head.
As a child he was more of a Blue Peter viewer, rarely watching Magpie on the other side.
Memories came back to him.
His Blue Peter badge.
He wrote to ask for more warning when the kids needed "Stock" to make something that they would demonstrate on the show.
They would always be saying you need pipe cleaners, sticky-backed plastic, washing up liquid bottles and the like.
He asked why can't you say, for example. "In three weeks time you need ............" giving the children more time to collect items required, rather than squirting half a bottle of washing up liquid down the sink to be able to claim the container.
He received a Blue Peter Badge and a letter from Biddy Baxter for his troubles and clip around the ear from his Mother for the washing up liquid.
The jogger went as far as the Grey Rocks and headed to the dunes.

Beach Buoy couldn't leave this piece.
He was in the process of returning the vast majority of his finds to the sea. But you can't leave nice bits... can you?
His ashes will be going on the Beach eventually, so all of the returned  
pieces will be his again one day.

He continued South.
It was a very clean Beach today.

Beach Buoy clambered up the Grey Rocks a little.
He found a flat, but wet rock to sit on and think.
He soaked up the Sea.
In his mind, not in reality. If he had, then he would have been tempted to walk to Europe.

His Jeans soaked up the damp from the rock; in reality not in his mind.

Stubborn Dog sat and was glad he wasn't getting dragged to Europe!

and Sweep too.
Time passed and it was time to get busy;They headed back.

An aeroplane unzipped the sky and headed for the sun as a large H drifted out to sea.

There was no dramatic sunrise but it was a nice morning when all said and done.

Another piece too nice not to take; an old piece of tile.

Errrr..... and an  "Interesting" brick
GLENBOIG is a village in Scotland.
with a brickworks  apparently.

Click on the link below...
The jogger returned from the dunes and passed Beach Buoy for the second time.
" Must be off for some sticky-backed plastic?" thought Beach Buoy "He already has the pipe cleaners."

Beach Buoy returned to the Van in the car park.
It had two VW CADDY vans for company.
Birds of a feather ......

Back at Base Camp the Dogs seemed to be saying.
"We are just not tired enough."

So... by 1 pm they were back on the Beach.
Beach Buoy just switched off and walked.
It was better than taking them out later, around a dark and miserable block.

Eventually the dogs were dog tired.
Beach Buoy sat and drank tea, then read as the dogs slept in a heap on the van floor.