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Sunday 27 May 2018


Beach Buoy put on his dried and Dubbined boots and headed for the Beach with One Dog.
The Village Church Clock struck 7 (pm.) as the pair stepped out of the Car.
Beach Buoy was drawn to the dramatic colour differences in the beach Scene.
In the distance he could see the hi vis coats of The German Shepard's Owners Club.
A night time version of the morning's 7 o'clock club.
Beach Buoy imagined them a little more edgy; more extreme.
The winter before last when Beach Buoy wouldn't give into the dark nights and did the Beach anyway by torchlight
the GSOC were there... Hence the liking for hi vis.

It was a glorious evening.
A man in shorts stomped by and headed off into the Dunes.
He had the whitest of white legs.

A Tongue of Sand stuck out rudely into the Sea.
It was edged by Seagulls, their whiteness glowing in the Bright Sunlight.
But they were still a couple of shades down the Scale of White leg man.
A Jaded Jogger Jogged past Jadedly into the headwind  as if in slow motion. It would feel like uphill all the way from here.

Beach Buoy and the Dog shuffled back to the Car.
Beach Buoy lifted the car tailgate to give the Dog a drink.
They had an audience of youths in three cars.
They had loud "Music" on , with a relentless drum beat.
The dog seemed to drink in time to the beat.

Pre Blog production meeting.
Apparently we need more Dog content!