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Tuesday 1 May 2018

SEATON SANDS 30 04 18.

It had been a busy day.
High tide had been around 5-30 pm.
Beach Buoy and the Dog pulled into the Quiet Car Park around 7 p.m.
They sat in the Car a while as it rocked  in the Strong wind, like a small boat at a Marina's Mooring on a choppy day.
The driftwood and sea glass item that he had made years earlier and hung from the rear view mirror, swung from side to side alongside a now fragrant free Blue Dolphin  Air Freshener. The Air Freshener purchase was no accident,
he bought it on Porpoise.
Once they had figured out the wind direction they left the comfort of the warm car.
The Wind was from the North and was bitter, Beach Buoy dug in hands deep into his fleece coat pockets.
The coat offered him little protection against the cold.
In fact, all it seemed to be doing was sucking in the Cold air and circulating it evenly all over his body.
The loose sand followed them as they headed South, like some well trained pet.

The Sea Roared alongside as Beach Buoy did what Beach Buoys do best. He watched as the Sea Foam broke up and set off along the Beach like little versions of the dreaded balloon releases.
In the blink of a sand filled eye it was time to turn around and face the chilly walk back to the car.
As they headed back, he stopped to take a photograph to use on his blog later that night, the Rough Sea kept coming as a Wave broke, they had to run towards the Sand Dunes to stay dry.
They were soon back at the sanctuary of the Car.
A few Boy Racers had arrived in the Car Park and were sounding their Car Horns, perhaps to see who's was the most annoying?

Beach Buoy washed and photographed the Recent finds as a Microwave Meal headed towards ping nearby.