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Wednesday 17 November 2021


Beach Buoy woke at 5-19.
He laid a while.
5-55 a.m. Subara o'clock; up.
6-22 a.m. saw Beach Buoy and Another Dog park up in the 
beach car park.
He parked nearby to 
Mr Nunn / Gunn's car.
The only other vehicle in the car park was an illuminated HGV truck, the driver having spent the night parked up in the car park.

Beach Buoy watched the lights in the bay.
Two Buoys flashed in sync as one.
They gradually ended up completely out of sync, then in time back again.
He poured hot coffee into himself, it felt like warm fresh oil being poured into a ageing engine.

Two torches shone down at the dark water's edge.
They looked as bright as a car's headlights.

A cyclist was rested on the prom wall.
The lights on his bike flashed in the dark but out of sync...

More cars arrived.
One of the new arrivals set off into the dunes, 
torch inhand.
Back to the west, a boy racer raced his way to work,
 down Tees Rd.
6-44 a.m.
The sky above the river mouth started to glow a pale orange.
It acted as a backlight for the Wind Turbines.

A flock of Gulls seemed to argue as they headed inland.

They headed down the beach access ramp.
Beach Buoy had pulled on his 
Alloa Athletic coloured hat.
Two hoods were added too as they descended the concrete ramp.
The strong breeze that spun the Wind Turbines out in the bay wasn't as prevalent down on the beach.

They headed south.
A man and two dogs went north by the water's edge.

The tide was a good way out.

Even the half light of early morning,  Beach Buoy could see that this morning's beach brush had been dipped in sea coal black.
Another Dog was glad to be out, trotting ahead on an extendable lead.
It was like she was deciding the route; in charge.
She kept stopping to shake from nose to tail in a 
"Lets do this." type of way.

An early morning bad news siren drifted across the beach.
Someone's morning wasn't going well.

Two hoods came down.
The grey clouds gradually turned to orange.

7-27 a.m.

"Morning Mate."

he added beach stones and patted



Hugo, the distant wave lady's dog appeared at the dune edge.

Despite encouragement, he came no closer.

He headed off back down to the distant water's edge, where his owner was walking.

Beach Buoy instigated a distant wave.

It was returned, from a distance.

"See you mate."

They continued to the south.

This time of year, any sunrises that are visible, appear on the other side of the river.
They were going to see.

The Sun began to show across The River Tees.

Seaton Sands.

To the North of North Gare Pier.

Stubborn Dog Stack is just in from dune edge, where the grey rocks taper to nothing.

They headed back down to the beach.

Another Dog was in high spirits, she trotted along 

like Tommy Trot who trotted for England from 1956- 63.

The sun came out.

The world felt like a better place, a more hopeful and kinder place.

They headed back, leaving the beach in the safe hands of the sun.