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Sunday 1 March 2020


Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog arrived at 7-03 a.m.
The Car Park was empty once more.

The wind was strong and had blown loudly all night long.
It was coming from the South West it came with a chill to it.
The 7 a.m club were already up ahead at the water's edge.
Beach Buoy stuck to the dune edge.
Mari the friendly poodle spotted him and came bounding over for her neck scratch with a little white Scottie Dog in tow.
Then she was off to rejoin the 7 a.m. club.
Beach Buoy went up to the windswept dunes to add to the stack.
He was glad to return to the partially sheltered beach.

The tide was up to the Grey Rocks.

So he and Stubborn Dog headed back to the North.

The light was changing constantly as the wind moved the sky furniture

It changed again.
Beach Buoy headed back to the van and sat a while contemplating stuff.