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Tuesday 3 March 2020


It was 4 p.m.
The sound of the Village Church Bells that were drifting across the beach confirmed this.
It had been a chilly few days but this afternoon there was actually some heat in the sun.
Beach Buoy chose a route mid-way between the water's edge and the dunes.
The Sun warmed his right cheek as he headed south.
Buoy took out his beach notebook from his beach bag and jotted down a reminder

It was truly beautiful day.
Beach Buoy has spent the vast majority of his working life in cold, dark factories.
The air and light are so welcome.
Eighty to One Hundred Bright White Gulls took flight from around 100 metres offshore.
They were scattered around the air like dropped wartime propaganda leaflets...
(So Beach Buoy was told.)

They clung to the water's edge for a while.

There were some large waves out in the Bay.
The white breaking waves went out in six or seven steps to a watery grave.

They went to the dunes and added to the stack.
There maybe a re-think on this stack idea?
They headed back.
Out in the Bay, a  fraction of a fading rainbow blended into the horizon.

Back to the van!

Later that night Beach Buoy went to see the scene of last night's fire.The window has been boarded up.

Then a slow walk back.