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Saturday 28 March 2020


Beach Buoy left the van on the drive and made the short walk to the Promenade with Stubborn Dog in tow.
There was a breeze as he left the house.
It swirled around the buildings, so it was difficult to judge its direction.
As they reached the main road at 6-01 am a Police Car passed and slowed down slightly.
Beach Buoy was doing  his allowed exercise so it was all good.
Allowed Exercise! my how things have changed.
Back in the day you could go anywhere at anytime, imagine that.

They headed along the Promenade as the signs were still in place asking people to refrain from going on the beach.

It was 6-16 am.

They had missed the sunrise.
The sun and seagull were up with the clouds.

The promised land.
Beach Buoy looked but didn't touch.

They headed back.
The breeze had turned out to be a cold northerly wind.

Some people were on the beach...