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Saturday 14 March 2020


Beach Buoy woke at 5-05am.
Street Birds not Seabirds were singing.
Beach Buoy headed downstairs.
By 5-40 am the Gulls were calling.
By 6-05am Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog were heading for the beach.
As they drove down the main road towards the Beach, the street lights were turning off in turn just ahead of the van; all a bit Billie Jean.
Once in the Car Park, he sat a while sipping the hot drink that he had brought with him.
He watched as a Ship sailed out of the River, then headed North.
Once he had drank the drink it was time to walk the walk.

At 6-18 am there Beach was theirs.
The previous high tide had been very high, reaching the Promenade Wall as far down as the Car Park.
They headed towards the water's edge.
There was a fresh breeze from the south.

Stubborn Dog wore two coats.
Beach Buoy had two hoods up and hands in pockets.
It was a pale morning; Sand, Sea and Sky all pale hues.
No doubt on back-to-work Monday the dawn will be dramatic shades of Gold and Orange.

Beach Buoy's two hoods were lowered, he wanted to feel the morning as well as see it.
He had warmed up now; it was like his take on pushing the Choke in on a 1972 Ford Cortina, although he was manufactured a long time before Cortina's travelled the world. 

He popped to the Dunes for a U photograph.

Beach Buoy likes the pallet of colours that random driftwood pieces throw up from time to time.

They went as far as the Grey Rocks and it's driftwood.

Driftwood Creature.

They stood and watched as a Ship came into Port.

7-06 am, they headed back,
on the way the sea would try and catch them out.
Small waves coming in; the equivalent of  pair of twos through on a pair of Dice.
Then DOUBLE SIX ! ...
as the broken waves ran and ran.
Beach Buoy saw a depleted 7 am club to the North, in time they passed with 
'Morning !'
and waves of a different kind.

The regular late arrival was in pursuit.
More  'Mornings' and waves took place.

Her Little Brown Dog; Chocolate Pud came over to say hello and have a scrag.
There was no custard today as he didn't have his bright yellow raincoat on.
The lady watched as the dog was fussed over.
'He has to have a cuddle.'
and then they both were gone.

1 pm saw Beach Buoy and two dogs over on Hartlepool's Headland.

They had a wander around.

As far as The Elephant Rock.

They headed back to the van.

Boots off,
Kettle on,
Radio on,

 Stubborn Dog slept in the warm van.

This chap slept in the warm van
and if he is honest,
Beach Buoy did too.