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Friday 6 March 2020


It was 3-39 pm.
Gulls sat in the car park.
They usually stand there to shelter from the strong winds.
Today they warmed themselves in the sun.
There was only the slightest of slight breezes.
Out in the bay the Wind Turbines looked to be at a bit of a loss.
The usually turn as one to face the in-coming wind, today they stood at random angles like a confused workforce wondering just what to do
Their blades looked like arms thrown up in exasperation.
Beach Buoy could almost hear them say
' They haven't got a bloody clue!'

The tide was way out.
The Moon hung high in the sky like a big dollop of Ice Cream searching for a cornet.

Beach Buoy headed up to the stack armed with some more stones. 

Slow walk back with the waves
 breaking three lace edged steps out to sea.

Fishermen headed South.
Beach Buoy headed North.