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Wednesday 30 January 2019


It had been a very cold day at work.
The late afternoon was lit by some 
gorgeous sunlight.
Beach Buoy had no lifts etc to do tonight so he took the opportunity and grabbed two dogs and fitted in a beach walk.
He was half way down to a low tide water's edge when the Church bells rang for 4-15pm.
The sea was beyond the Seaton Carew Wreck.
The clouds were as dramatic as the air was cold.
As one would imagine there wasn't a vast amount of people out on the beach.

Tracks had been left by the council vehicle that had been taking windblown sand back to the beach.

The sun highlighted the edges of the clouds.
The wet beach reflected the above.
Beach Buoy was so very pleased to fit in an extra beach and couldn't wait for lighter and hopefully warmer nights.
A chance to live again with a fresh new start.

Beach Buoy walked as far as the grey rocks then turned back. He could have walked South a little more  but that would have meant a dark beach walk which would have sort of defeated the object.

Meanwhile back at the van.