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Sunday 20 January 2019


Beach Buoy left the house at 7-40 am.
He pulled out the old fashioned aerial that was hidden next to the bonnet of the van.
If the 
aerial wasn't extended, the radio would stop and start, a little like Norman Collier's faulty microphone.
Click the link below.
Norman Collier

Beach Buoy had met Norman Collier once, at a local garage. 
Mr Collier had gone for petrol for his red Alfa Romeo. 
Beach Buoy held open the door for an in-coming customer, it was then he realised it was Norman Collier.
"Thank you." said the comedian,
It is fairly certain that he was in town for a Pro - Celebrity  golf game at Seaton Carew.
Beach Buoy drove to the beach as he flicked from station to station; there wasn't much choice to be honest, in fact Collier FM may "ave bee a etter choi  testing 1,2,3." 

The car park was home to three cars this morning.
Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog  parked up and walked about two thirds of the way to the water's edge.
The tide was well out and the day seemed mild, compared as it was, to yesterday. 
There was a large dip in the sand towards the sea.
A man walked north; Beach Buoy could just see his top half due to the dip.
The man walked with a stick. At first Beach Buoy thought that the man was dog-less. But like the bottom half of the man, the dog was hidden by the dip in the sand. 
It didn't help that the dog was a Golden Labrador ; perfect sand camouflage .....
The village Church bells struck eight across the misty beach
Beach Buoy headed south towards the northbound 7am club; they had been to the North Gare and were heading back.
Mari the Large Poodle broke ranks and ran to Beach Buoy.
Neck was scratched then off she went, turning to come back for seconds. The club shouted  "Morning!" as they passed.
Beach Buoy did the same, whilst raising his left arm as if to signal that he wished his passing beach friends all of the very best.

It was the greyest of mornings.
No dramatic sunrise today, the big fella hadn't turned on the light on; but it was scenic nonetheless..
Three Seagulls argued at the water's edge resulting in a screeching competition.
They flew short distance South to join around twenty others and a lone Oyster Catcher, maybe asking them to pick a winner?
Beach Buoy passed the Grey Rocks as a single Crow hopped silently among the even quieter rocks.
Beach Buoy headed up to the rocks, lots of shingle had been deposited  between the rocks recently.
There was a possibility of finds?
The shingle crunched underfoot as the sea made sea noises to the 

Beach Buoy has reached the age when things need to be returned to the sea, not collected. Some things are too pretty to leave.
1. Red Sea Glass.

2. Turquoise Sea Glass.

3. An old bottle top.

They crossed over to the River at North Gare Beach.
Today this was the colder of the two beaches as a chilly breeze blew down the river and headed out to sea.

Beach Buoy collected a large length of heavy-duty rope and another crab pot to add to yesterday's ghost fishing net and yet another crab pot. All were placed and weighed down in the Old Buoy in the hope a contacted agency would collect later?
There was cluster of dog / tennis balls nearby; many just  a half ball.
 Twelve in total were  found and collected in a small distance as another part of Beach Buoy's beach clean.
He also found some other ghost fishing gear; more of that later.....

As well as all of the balls there were clusters of sizeable coal; enough to fill many bags.

Beach Buoy left the North Gare and took a picture of a nearby information board.

Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog clambered back down to Seaton Sands, down the slippery slope.

As they headed north, Beach Buoy glanced back to the south. The sky was becoming a little lighter and brighter.

The ripples in the sand looked like a stairway to Atlantis.....
Beach Buoy headed back to the van.
The beach was awake; Dogs barking , owners shouting.

The Village Church 
Bells chimed Ten as they climbed up the access ramp back to the promenade and the van that waited just beyond.

Beach Buoy returned to base camp and cleaned the other ghost fishing gear that he had found today.
He had never seen a fish shaped sinker before; he quite liked it.

Later in the day he went to the promenade.
It was high tide.
It was sunny.
It was cold.