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Sunday 6 January 2019


Once again someone opens their car door and leaves their trash behind.
Off to the bin it went!

It was around 8-20 am
It was chilly and grey.
Two dogs for company today.
The beach was very quiet.

The Seaton Carew Wreck as it was today.
Beach Buoy paused a while to think of the days of sail.
The Captains trying to make the right call before setting out to sea.
Judge the weather by experience.
Watch the sky, watch the sea and smell the air.
 Getting it wrong could mean death; the wind that propelled you could push you to your death.

No weather apps back then. 
No Shipping Forecast, No T.V, No telephones. 
Just the Captain's call to get the cargo delivered; pacify owners, another cargo waiting to come back.
Brave Men !
Seagulls stood with their feet in the cold sea at the calm water's edge.
Crows stood nearby, watching them like self conscious  friends who came to the beach, pretending that they had forgot to bring swimming gear and towels.

Beyond the sea-coal is wreck SMR 5090;
another ship wrecked.

The once abundant sea-coal is now seen less and less.
Below is a letter to the local press from Beach Buoy's Father regarding the Sea-Coal.

27 October 1980.

WHAT  a cry from Mr. G. Pitman regarding the 500 tons of sea-coal on the Beach {Mail, October 22.}.
What utter rubbish about the coal dirtying the beaches.
Except for the rubbish and filth deposited by the sea-coal lorries, old tyres, garage rubbish, oil drums and remains of all night fires, all of which can still be seen, the beaches have never looked better.
The beaches were clean before the sea-coal wagons started their plunder. What a pleasure to stroll on traffic-free beaches . Let's go back to the odd pre war bike and barrow and the beaches left free for the lovers of clear sands and no more distasteful television reports besmirching the town.
Incidentally, talking of damage to beaches if by his own statement 500 tons of  coal has laid there since they were warned off, it works out that in one year basing the weight of sea-coal to that of wet sand, enough coal  to fill the playing area of Wembley Stadium for a depth of seven feet six inches is removed yearly, so if you wonder  why you see rocks and marks that  you have never seen before. Mr Pitman has defeated his own argument.
Let us have peace, no more beach bullying, night noises and deposited rubbish.

Beach Buoy went as far as the North Gare Pier.
He headed back North.
The people that were on the beach didn't seem to get any closer. A bit like an Ice-Cream shop on a summer's day; nothing more than a mirage.
Everyone maybe just keeping their distance? 

On the way back there was a piece of driftwood.
It had two pieces of metal coming out at the sides.
It looked like a toddler who had fallen and was gesturing to be picked up. 
The two inquisitive dogs wanted to investigate.
They arrived.
They Sniffed.
They peed, then peed again playing some sort of pee top trump.
It's a creul world.

A leftover form the Red Liquorice day film shoot?
It was beach cleaned, along with a few other items.