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Saturday 19 January 2019


It was around 7-40am.
Beach Buoy and Stubborn dog arrived in the Car Park.
It was cold and dry.
Around half a dozen vehicles of varying types were scattered around randomly.
Beach Buoy parked up in his favourite spot.
A Man in a brown coat walked along the promenade with his brown dog.
The man wore a flashing light, his dog had a red flashing collar.
 It wore it like a hula hoop prize at the fairground.
Maybe the light show was to offset all of the brown?
They stopped to talk with a man with a grey and white Old English Sheep Dog.
By 7-50 am Beach Buoy was on the sand.
There was a strange light about the day.
In the distance he could see six figures heading back from the North Gare Pier in two groups of three. Possibly the 7 am club partially splintered?

The light was changing constantly as Beach Buoy walked down towards the water's edge.
It became clear that it was in fact the 7am club. 
Mari; the large friendly poodle spotted Beach Buoy from a distance .
The large friendly dog was keen to see Beach Buoy; running to greet him.
"Hello!" said Beach Buoy "I've missed you!" ; he had.
The large friendly dog pushed up against Beach Buoy for the neck scratch; possibly the first of the year?
Maybe she had missed him too?
As quickly as she came into Beach Buoy's world, she ran off to join the, as thought, splintered 7 am club.
Beach Buoy made a note or two in his beach book as reference for his later blogpost.
The strange morning light glowed on the pages of his small book, as if he was stood under a nearby light.

It was very cold.
Beach Buoy was wearing gloves, a Dut, a Snood and had two hoods up. Spots of rain made a noise on the outer waterproof hood layer.
With just his eyes showing he must have looked like a grey postbox.
 A degree or two colder and surely it would be snow?
The tide was well out.

The sky turned gold and Beach Buoy realised that there are more than one type of northern Light!
Slight ripples travelled across the pools heading towards the waiting sea.
Around thirty or so seabirds were to the south, treading the water's edge, perhaps waiting for a little more light?

Beach Buoy continued south a while and glanced back. In total contrast, the north was grey and the beach deserted.
Beach Buoy climbed up onto North Gare Pier.
The sun was up a little more now, it sent a lemon 
strip across the bay to light up the village of  Seaton Carew and the nearby town of Hartlepool.

There was  a stunning piece of driftwood that would have made a wonderful bench.
 It would have lasted a few lifetimes.
 It was a 
glorious colour but as heavy as a car; a 1971 Ford Cortina  to be precise.
 Beach Buoy had one 
that colour once.
It had a spoiler, a skirt and murals of butterflies crossing a lake on the doors. 
Oh and rust, lots and lots of rust.
Luckily it almost 
matched the colour of the car!
The spots of rain had stopped, so the hoods came down. They can be both 
cosy and claustrophobic at the same time.

Beach Buoy had a wander on North Gare Beach.
He collected his beach clean items, mainly plastic bottles.
There was  a large ghost fishing net and a 
crab pot, he put these in a safe as possible position and informed an organisation that could hopefully collect?
The sun shone brightly upon the dune grass in contrast to the dark, almost threatening sky that was its backdrop.

Beach Buoy headed back to the north whilst wandering just which manmade track he would take to access the Pier once more?

Here is the same photograph as above showing the contrast in brightness.

It was back to the bay.
The dark sky to the west... could it be snow?
No, not today.
Beach Buoy's father would say.
" I can smell snow."
and it would invariably snow!
Odd that when you think snowmen themselves can only smell carrots.
Beach Buoy headed back to the van as Stubborn Dog constantly tried to head for the dunes.
The beach was a little busier now.
Two crows flew by close to Beach Buoy if on low level manoeuvres; heading south.
They made it back to the van.
It felt a little warmer.
Maybe it was the sun?
Maybe it was the exercise?
Maybe it was wishful thinking?

Beach Buoy.