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Friday 24 November 2023


 Beach Buoy and Another Dog walked to the beach.

They headed down the beach access ramp as the Village Church Bells rang for 

3-45 p.m.

They met a Dog called Lucy as they reached the beach sand.

There was  a chilly breeze from the north.

The sea was rough.

The tide was more in than it was out.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed south.

A Metal detectorist walked the water's edge.

Two more were beach bound on the promenade.

A lady with a Spaniel and a very unusually designed coat, led the way.

Two hoods were up.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed away from the rough sea, heading towards the dune edge.
The breeze had become a wind.
It would be a colder walk back.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog did the grey rock clamber.

"Afternoon Mate."
It was 4-14 p.m.
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted
He fetched the wobbly driftwood plank.
He drank a wobbly driftwood coffee.
He watched as angled rain fell as it crossed the horizon from north to south.

The wobbly driftwood plank.

Tiny spots of rain began to fall.

Beach Buoy checked the beach to the north.

"See you mate."

They returned to the beach.

They began a not so slow walk back.
Like so many other things, the rain had amounted to nothing.
A lit torch walked southwards along the water's edge.
They crossed the beach car park as the Village Church Bells rang out for 4-45p.m.