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Saturday 11 November 2023


Beach Buoy woke at 4 a.m.

He made coffee.

He caught up with the blog.

He made a thermal mug of coffee in readiness for his beach walk.

Another Dog was curled up asleep like a comfortable cat the whole time. 

Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach car park at 6-31 a.m.
People and dogs were walking the promenade.
He went to the side door of the van.
The cold wind blew in and around the van.
Beach Buoy turned the van around, reversing into the parking bay.
Back at the side door once more, the van offered shelter.
He faffed on.
The lady who once fell off her bike, headed south.
She had a lit torch in hand and her short-wearing companion at her side.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed to the beach. 
To the north, in the faintest of lights, the 7 a.m. club stood by the sea.
Mari the big friendly poodle must have been on a wander. 
An unmistakable whistle ran out along the beach into the dunes. 
Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed headed south.
The Village was behind them, a thin slice of Moon lay ahead. 

Another Dog wasn't impressed with the dozen or so crows that searched for leftover cat treats scattered by the 7 a.m. club.

Gulls swirled around overhead.

The first hint of light appeared.

A Lone Gull flew over Stubborn Dog Stack.
Beach Buoy waved to the stack.
It was a bit of an obstacle course to reach it at the moment. 
He was intending on visiting from the south.
Beach Buoy looked around a full 360 degrees.
Not a soul in sight. 

They headed along the edge of the grey rocks.
The tide was out enough to allow beach access to Sand Martin Corner and the Tank Traps. 

Beach Buoy and Another Dog took partial shelter from the cold wind behind a Tank Trap 
Beach Buoy drank coffee.

As he drank his coffee, a couple walked along North Gare Pier with their small dog.

Coffee drank, Beach Buoy began to look for an easy route up to the dunes.
Two Tank Traps had been uncovered by the storms.
They looked in good condition, having protected by the sand for many years.
The photograph makes clear just how much sand has gone, how deeply covered they were.
They did a short dune edge clamber.
They headed north to Stubborn Dog Stack.

Muzzled Dog clambered around the Grey Rocks to their left. 

"Morning Mate."
It was 7-48.
Beach Buoy added a couple of stones.
He patted
A grey dog with a poppy bandana appeared.
It sniffed and carried on northwards.
His owner soon followed.
He just said "Morning."
No sniffing took place.

On the beach below, a man headed south.
He took longer strides as he crossed beach water.
The Sea Serpent Marker looked on. 

In next to no time, the bandana dog and it's owner returned south.

"See you mate."
Beach Buoy and Another Dog set off.
Another Dog trying to drag Beach Buoy down an unfamiliar sandy slope.

Sunlight came.
It briefly kissed Hartlepool Headland but spurned Seaton Carew Village.
They headed back.