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Sunday 19 November 2023



Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach car park at 6-58 a.m.
The lady who fell off her bike and her companion walked northwards along the promenade.
No torch required.
It was surprisingly light.

A Council Truck stopped at a promenade bin.
The operative went to the rear of the vehicle.
"Morning." replied Beach Buoy.
Two men on an early morning Promenade.
One by choice.
One by necessity.
The worker returned to his cab.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed down the beach access ramp.

Ahead, two figures walked the water's edge.

Behind, the Council Truck was put into reverse, giving off a warning sound that could be described as a mechanical cat coughing up a mechanical furr ball.

After reaching the water's edge, Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed south.
A fresh breeze blew from the west.
A couple descended the access ramp, choosing to head North once they had reached the beach.

To the west, the dune edge rose and rose like a giant sandy wedge.

A man passed by with his dog.
The dog was completely white in colouring except for one proud jet black ear.
The two owners shared a half distant wave and a couple of muffled versions of

The black-eared dog headed north.
Team Muzzled Dog were to the north, heading south.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog began to head towards the dunes.
As they reached the start of the grey rocks, Team Muzzled Dog appeared on the dune heights above them.
They had chosen to go through some of the sea buckthorn.
As well as wearing a muzzle, muzzle dogs wears safety spectacles too.
The owners has said once that the dog likes to chase Rabbits.
Presumably the muzzle is to protect the rabbits and the spectacles are to protect the dog's on the buckthorn?
The group held a two level discussion.
Beach Buoy listened on the beach below as Team Muzzled Dog said how they had gone on holiday.
The storm had taken place.
When they returned the beach had changed completely.

Team Muzzled Dog set off south once more Vis the dune edge.
Meanwhile back on the beach below, Beach Buoy and Another Dog stumbled their way to Stubborn Dog Stack.

7-36 a.m.
"Morning Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted
He set up the wobbly driftwood plank.
He sat looking out into the bay as he stopped hot, strong coffee.
When it shows, the sun rises behind the hills this time of year.
Low cloud had claimed it this morning.

Another Dog waited patiently.
The sky over the bay began to turn peach as the morning sun tried to break through.

Beach Buoy soaked up the additional light.

"See you mate."

They headed to a more southerly Sandy Slope.
One that hadn't been damaged by the sea.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed north, but Beach Buoy kept looking back to the south to monitor the Sun's progress.

They continued north.

A couple sat on the dune edge as their Black Labrador played on the beach below.
Beach Buoy waved.

I'll have to do a card through Beach Buoy as he headed off.

A lady in a Green Parka watched as her large but friendly dog came over.
"She's friendly
She's called Olive."
said the last.
"This is Ruby." said Beach Buoy as he pointed to Another Dog.
Beach Buoy thought how often people introduce their dogs by name but not themselves.
The Parka Lady gave a weather forecast for the day.

They went their separate ways.

A small dog, similar to Another Dog's approached nervously.
Beach Buoy knelt down to make it feel welcome.
The owner came over.
"They looked like twins!
Her name's Maggie."
"This is Ruby."
Again just the dogs were introduced.
The lady went onto explain that she prefers the beach this time of year.
They went their separate ways.

Team Mick Aston Jumper came along.
Beach Buoy chatted to them as he gave the Old Black Pug that was wearing a Mick Aston Jumper, a good shoulder scratch.
It's owner, who looked like a retired Capt.Birdsye, looked on a little bemused.
They went their separate ways.
They headed back to the van.


Outside, the four ladies who walk the promenade, walked the promenade.

A group of colourfully attired ladies headed down the access ramp on their way for a sea swim.
Three horse and a Shetland Pony were next to be heading down the access ramp.

Mr.Gunn/Nunn went by.
Beach Buoy stepped out to chat.
As they chatted, two metal detectorists dressed in camouflage headed to the beach.