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Saturday 11 December 2021


Firstly Beach Buoy wants to apologise for the photograph quality.
He has recently changed mobile phones.
He has had a few Motorola G models.
He has just changed from a G8 to 9.
 Sadly the camera on the new model is poor compared to earlier models. 
They look ok on social media but when enlarged for the blog they appear blurred.
Beach Buoy is very very disappointed.

Thank you.


Beach Buoy went to bed early.
10-30 p.m.
He listened to BBC Radio Cornwall for half an hour or so.
Then he was out like a light.

3-47 a.m.

Another Dog had decided to bring her bone to the top of the stairs. 


4-15 a.m. 
Another Dog jumps on the bed.
"Hiya, I'm wide awake and everything." ... she seemed to say.

By 5 a.m.  the kettle was on.
"OK Google play Radio Cornwall."

Jack Murley was on.
Beach Buoy made a coffee and paced about the kitchen as he waited for daylight.
Beach Buoy messaged the show.
Jack told the world that Beach Buoy was waiting for daylight to come, so that he could go to the beach.
Beach Buoy made a Thermal mug of coffee.
Beach Buoy went to the beach.
The roads were frosted, thankfully the frosted van windscreen had turned to moisture when it was time to go.

They reached the beach car park at 6-58 a.m.
It was still dark.
A dome of hope appeared to the south, to the north it was still as night.

Bay Buoys twinkled in the Bay.
Beach Buoy wrinkled in the van.

He could wait no longer.
He and Another Dog headed down the beach access ramp.
He had fitted a torch to his beach bag.
The Dome of light to the south of the Bay, began to glow Orange.

They headed towards a dark water's edge.

They headed south, a beach bag strapped torch lit the way.

A Spaniel appeared from the darkness.
It was friendly but very interested in Another Dog; she was a pup no more.

"Sorry Mate."
came a voice from the strand-line. 
The voice approached.
"Is that you."

Beach Buoy answered 
The voice was that of a former workmate of Beach Buoy's.
The workmate's Dad had died earlier in the year.
He had been Beach Buoy's foreman back in the day...
"Sorry to hear about your  Dad."
They swapped dead  Dad stories in the Dark, their feet torchlit.

"He was a good man." 
said Beach Buoy as the chat meandered to a natural end.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog continued South.
They took aim at the 
Stubborn Dog Stack.
Beach Buoy gathered three large beach stones to add to the stack.
He had collected slightly earlier than planned.
The three rocks were fast becoming blocks of ice.

"Morning Mate"
It was 7-40 a.m.
He patted 

He looked at the sea.
The tide was more in than it was out.
The Border Collie Beach-combing couple had been heading south.
They seemed to turn at the stack and return to the north.

"See you mate."
they headed back down to the beach.

Any beach untouched by sea was still frosted.

Burnt driftwood with a covering of frost.

They headed to North Gare Pier.

They approached The Blue Lagoon.

"So let's get this right
You have brought Coffee and Chocolate but not a single Dog biscuit?




The Lagoon felt more exposed today.
A cold breeze blew across the river and beach from the south west.

They waited for that moment of sunrise.

It was stolen by low cloud today at the last minute.

They headed back to the Bay.

A Bay edged with grey now the Sun had decided to hide.

The sea rumbled to the east.

Industry rumbled to the west.

A pile driver piled piles, sounding like a mechanical woodpecker, pecking on cold hard steel.

Beach Buoy collected some beach  trash; Taprogge Balls.

Colours cooled as did the beach.

They headed for the van.

Luckily there was a stash of dog biscuit in the van.

Friends once more.

Beach Buoy washed the van.


Beach Buoy went to a football match.