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Thursday 9 December 2021


It was a day off.

Beach Buoy woke before 6 a.m.

He laid in bed until 7 a.m. , the time that the works buzzer would be sounding out.

He went downstairs and flicked on the electric kettle.

He looked out of the long narrow side window that gave a view of the sky over the Bay.

He was expecting a blackboard.

He was wrong.

The sky looked much lighter than it had any right to be this time of year, this time of day.

There was a line of Blue above a line of Orange.

The light lifted the spirits.

Beach Buoy gulped a couple of mouthfuls of hot coffee, scraped frost from the van windscreen.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed for the beach.

They reached the car park at 7-25 a.m.

They headed down towards the water's edge, before heading south.

Two people with three dogs were up ahead to the south.

Waves waved.

The tide was well in.

The tide seemed have peaked around an hour earlier.

Five crows stood around near the strand line.

They had come for the fancy dress party.

They all came dressed as midnight.

Gulls at the water's edge all came as snowmen.

They headed up to the stack, stones in hand.

"Morning Mate."

Beach Buoy was glad of the week day visit.

He placed the beach stones on the beach and patted



It was 8 a.m.

They stood waiting for the sun to show up.

It was chilly but bright.

A large but distant flock of birds rose into the sky as if coming from the sun.

They headed west in a large V formation.

Then they turned to the East as they formed an arc before disappearing completely.

The Bay.

It was 8-28 a.m. when the sun peeked over the hills.

"See you mate."

They headed back.

They headed back to the north.

"The Sun is blinding!" said a woman heading south.

"Glorious isn't it?"

 answered Beach Buoy.

They went  back to the van.

A beach find.
  Beach Buoy will blog about this later