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Sunday 26 December 2021

Boxing Day 2021 , SEATON SANDS.

Beach Buoy had woke early  with every intension of doing an early beach.
The rain was bouncing.
Another Dog doesn't do wet very well.
They waited hours for the rain to stop.
By the time they reached the beach, Borrowed Dog was along for the ride too.

It was 2-45 p.m when they finally reached the sands.
The tide was a fair way out.
There was a chilly breeze heading from the south.
Family groups walked and talked.
Everyone is different.
Some walk the length of the beach, some just choose to walk to the sea and back.

The low tide meant that there was room enough for everyone.

Each group had a silent story to tell.

Up in the dunes, someone had dug out a sandy shack.
Beach Buoy approved.
Perfect size for
Te view was pretty good too.

Families groups began to drain northwards.

A man walked briskly on the water's edge, heading south.
He stopped.
 He rotated with urgency 180 degrees and began to head back to the north.

Beach Buoy, Borrowed Dog and Another Dog headed up to the strand line, then onto the dune edge.
Beach Buoy gathered suitable stones for the stack.

"Afternoon Mate."
Beach Buoy dropped the stones onto the stack.
He patted 
They all stood for a while; together again.

Beach Buoy wanted to head up to North Gare Pier for a project he is planning.
He needed photograph a few things.

"See you mate."
They headed south after dropping back down onto the beach.

Beach Buoy stood looking at the beach.
A couple and their Dog headed north.
Putting  the H in Happy and another in Home.

The Bay looked a little wild.
Beach Buoy took some photographs for his project.
They all headed back to the north.
They stuck to the dunes for the start of the return journey.
They passed 
Stubborn Dog Stack once more.
"See you tomorrow Mate."

They walked back in the company of the water's edge. 

A jogger dressed in black laboured towards them.
He  was running into an imaginary headwind.

Light was fading.
It had been a grey old day all day anyway.

Out in the bay a ship took aim at The Gares at the river mouth .
It's bright orange lights glowed radiantly in the gloom coloured bay.