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Sunday 5 December 2021


It had been a rubbish sleep.
Beach Buoy laid awake at 4-30 a.m. listening to the wind blow and the rain lash against the bedroom window.
Sounds that would normally have Beach Buoy nodding off no problem.

5-30 a.m.
A long hot soak in the bath.

7-04 a.m.
The wind and rain were still running the show as Beach Buoy called into a local shop.
He, Borrowed Dog and Another Dog headed for the sea front.
They could sit and watch the weather .
Rain came and went and came again.
The wind rocked the van from side to side.

Beach Buoy drank coffee.

They were parked down near Newburn Bridge.
The rain stopped for a short while.
Beach Buoy stepped onto the promenade to take some photographs.

A Lone Gull tested the wind's speed to see if was safe for flying in?
The other Gulls just walked around as they waited for the verdict.

Gull Airlines...... All flights cancelled until further notice.

Beach Buoy drove the van to their usual beach.
He readied the Dogs and himself.
They set off.
The wind and the rain had eased.

Sea water was trapped way up the beach, near to the Promenade Wall.
The sea must have been rough?
The tide must have been high?

The light to the south was amazing.
Beach Buoy was half expecting a soaking.

Almost in an instant,
The wind picked up.
Shifting Sands shifted.
Rain rained down.
The half expected soaking complete .....

They rushed back to the van.
They arrived soaked.
That was it.
The dogs were taken to base camp for a bath.
They were wet and sandy.


It was 11-40 a.m.

Beach Buoy returned to the beach alone.

Saying that, he had waterproofs, binoculars , thermal mug of hot coffee, chocolate and three hoods up.

He needed a space.

He needed air.

He needed light, even a grey light would do.

He walked as if in slow motion, trying to savour everything about the beach, the day and himself.

A man with two dash-hounds, dashed back to the north.

Beach Buoy headed up towards 

Stubborn Dog Stack.

"Afternoon Mate."

It was 12-12 p.m.

He patted 



He added more to the stack.

Some lovely painted stones had been left at the stack.

Merry Christmas.

Beach Buoy stayed with his old mate a while.

He misses him.

"See you mate."

Beach Buoy headed for North Gare Beach.

He wandered around near the river.

He sat and drank his coffee as he watched the sea rush back into the river, in large semi circles of waves

He headed back to the Bay.

There was no rush.

He found this....

Industrial or Jewellery?

He headed back to the van.