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Friday 11 June 2021


Beach Buoy reached the car park at 6-30 p.m.

For the third night in a row he paused at a parking meter as he passed.

"Excuse me, it's free after six."

as another puzzled car owner struggled to pay for parking.

"Thank you."

It had been a muggy day but now a gorgeous cooling wind blew from the north west.

Little Terns headed back to the nesting site, with supper hanging from their beaks.

Owners and Dogs did owner and Dog stuff, down by the water's edge.

The Sun scanned the beach like a barcode scanner.

He clambered up the dune stack with a handful of stack stones.

"Hiya Mate."
It was 7-06 p.m.
Gulls put on an aerial display as they tried to head north in the wind.
Some took the easier option of gliding southwards.
Beach Buoy sat on the dune edge.
The dune sand made an excellent cup-holder for his thermal, coffee-filled mug.
A skylark sang.

Beach Buoy poked fat fingers and thumbs into the sand like roots of s tree.
Closer to his mate.
He drank the last of the coffee.

Time to go.
He added to the stack.
"Night night mate."
Beach Buoy and sadness headed north.
Beach Buoy did a dog call whistle as he looked back; nothing.
Beach Buoy raised an arm in recognition  towards the disappearing ..... just incase.

A camera-shy seal popped up to say goodnight.

Beach Buoy continued north.
"Goodnight Sammy."

A Bull Terrier took aim at Beach Buoy.
Kobi took no notice, by now he had jumped up with two paws on Beach Buoy's legs, in search of the now legendary neck scratch.
Friendly Kobi left before returning for seconds.

Fire engine sirens sounded out along the sea front and stopped at the car park.
"Were the dunes alight once more?
A child had locked itself in a car.

A bent door and a piece of wire and the child was rescued.
The grateful mother elbowed bumped the crew.

Time to go.
Beach Buoy.