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Thursday 10 June 2021


Beach Buoy reached the car park at 6-40 pm.
He ate his Fish and Chip tea for one.
His newly-bought USB powered fan only succeeded  in blowing hot air around the van.
He locked the van at 6-59 p.m.  and headed for the beach.
His fish and chip wrappers went into the promenade bin as he passed.

He gave way to two riders and their horses as they headed to the beach also.
The horses made a bee-line for the sea.

Beach Buoy headed south with a coffee in a thermal mug for company.

The tide was well out.
A warm wind blew from across the dunes.

A family group headed back to the car park with armfuls of windbreaks and other beach picnic paraphernalia. 
Beach Buoy was drawn to the waters edge, more by the power of wandering than any urge.
Gulls hung in the air, twisting and turning in the warm wind.
The wind-rippled sea lapped onto the beach like a lake edge.
Beach Buoy headed for the stack with five stones in-hand.    

Beach Buoy added the stones to the stack. 
"Hiya Mate."
Beach Buoy poked his finger into the sand as he said it, as if he was reaching out to his mate.
He sat on the dune edge as he sipped his thermal coffee.
Sunlight ran free across the beach as and when
 the wind-blown clouds allowed.

Terns dropped like stones into the sea,
The bright white Wind Turbines spun industriously out in the bay.

Beach Buoy put an arm around an Imaginary Dog and pulled him close.
It was going to be a long road.
He added a large rock to the stack  before heading back.....

 Back to the village.
Back to the van.
Beach Buoy.