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Wednesday 9 June 2021


It was Wednesday Evening.

It was 6-45 when Beach Buoy pulled up alone into the Car Park.

Three more VW vans were parked nearby; birds of a feather.

He headed for the beach as a few spots of rain dropped onto the bone dry promenade.

The sound of a golf ball being struck on the nearby Golf Club, travelled around the Car Park.

A heat-laden breeze blew from the west.

Muggy random spots of rain fell as he descended the beach access ramp.

Angled, much heavier rain fell out at sea.

Beach Buoy headed down beyond the strand-line.

A man tried to head back to the car park as he played tug-of-war with a grey and white Stubborn Dog.

The heat seemed to become more intense.

The threatening sky, more threatening.

Beach Buoy could almost hear the voice of a Star Trek Ship's engineer...

"She's gonna blow Captain!"

It felt like the moment the thunder would start.


Beach Buoy looked at a lone Yacht, thinking that it may be a good idea to head back to Port?

He found a large piece of sea pottery.
What was its story?

Beach Buoy reached Stubborn Dog Stack, three stones in-hand.

"Hiya Mate."

Spots of rain fell on the hot dry rocks of the stack.

Beach Buoy settled himself just in front of the stack, on the dune edge.

Beach Book ✅

Coffee in Thermal Mug ✅

Umbrella ✅


 (Minus the bag.)❌

He sat and watched the world go by,

a world of people walking Dogs.

He must have been on the very edge of the precipitation?

The light rain stopped.

The threat of thunder seemed to ease as the angry sky stormed out to sea in a huff.

A Large White Gull glided overhead  from the dunes and headed out into the bay, like a perfectly crafted, expertly thrown paper aeroplane.

A bald man walked the strand line with a plastic carrier bag and a Small, Cream-coloured Dog.


More Yachts came out to play.

Some were angled away from the sun, their sails reflecting its light.

The sound of a herd of Motorcycles rumbled across the dunes from Tees Road beyond.

Beach Buoy collected two large rocks, 

they were added to Stubborn Dog Stack.

Waterworks started, from face, not sky as he realised that this was all it was ever going to be from now on.

"Night night mate."

To be honest he was feeling quite sorry for himself and totally alone.

He fought tears all the way back to the van.

Tears won.

Life goes on.
Beach Buoy will be fine.