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Sunday 16 May 2021


Beach Buoy woke at 5-20 am.

Stubborn Dog was asleep and stayed asleep.

Beach Buoy headed for the beach alone, albeit reluctantly.

He reached the car park at 6-08 am.

The Sea rumbled.

 The Little Terns chattered loudly.

There was a breeze off the sea.

It had just been or was about to be, high tide.

He walked the strip of wet sand that lay between the sea and the strand line, heading south.

He headed up to the dunes and went on to stack the stack.

He had made a thermal cup of coffee.

Warm gulps of coffee went down well, the breeze off the sea was just as welcome.

He turned to head back on the now narrow beach.

The 7 am club approached.

A Dog-less Beach Buoy stuck out like a sore thumb.

He had already avoided distant contact with distant wave lady and her mother.

He carried on...

"Where's the Pup?" the story was told....

"So sorry."

Compassion shown, then off Beach Buoy went.

He headed back to the van.

Chocolate Pudding went by and came for a scratch and rub.

"She loves a cuddle!" 

said her owner, a late arrival for the 7 am club.

She didn't ask about Stubborn Dog, she must have known something was wrong.?

Chocolate Pudding trotted off before returning for seconds.

Beach Buoy headed to the van.

Warnings signs have been placed on the promenade wall to warn people  of the Little Tern nest site. 

A dog-less man walked the beach.


Later, Stubborn Dog came along for a drive in the van in his bed.

He looked well, he isn't.