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Monday 17 May 2021

MONDAY 17 MAY 2021

Beach Buoy had put Monday as a Holiday.
He had intended to have a perfect day with his mate; Stubborn Dog.
They were up and about at 4am.
After an early morning look at the Little Tern Site
He went and parked down the sea front...

It was clear the day wasn't going to be action packed, Stubborn Dog was too ill.

Beach Buoy sat watching the sea as he mate slept on and off on the van's back seat.
They went back to the house.
It was agony seeing the dog so out-of-sorts.
He wouldn't sit where he normally would.

Beach Buoy was going a bit bonkers, watching his mate breathe  what he thought could be his last breath.
They had to get out.
They went to the Headland.

Stubborn Dog slept.
Beach Buoy watched the sea.

Other things took place which made it clear that it was time to let go.

Before the day was done, Stubborn Dog was at Peace.
Beach Buoy worried if he had made him suffer more than he needed.
If so it was only because he knew it would the hardest of things to be without him.
How can such a little dog leave such a big empty space?