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Thursday 6 May 2021


They arrived at 6-20 pm.
The strong wind had been there all day long.
The tide was a fair way out.
The wind was cold.

Two teenage Goths sheltered from the wind by the southernmost end of the Promenade as they sat on the beach.

Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog headed south with the wind on their backs.

Gulls were struggling to head north.
They seemed to opt for a method of flight that entailed them gaining height, then move northwards as they fell from the sky.

A Crow seemed to have given up completely as he walked the beach like a clockwork toy.

The horizon looked like a saw blade.
It was rough out there.

Sunshine and Shadows ran the length of the beach.

They were almost blown up to the stack.
They stacked the stack.

They returned to the beach and began to continue south, there was beach access to Sand Martin Corner.
A badly decomposed Body of a large Seal lay on the Grey Rocks.
They headed back before the journey was completed.


A slow walk back with a faceful of wind for company.