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Saturday 14 December 2019


5-15 a.m. ..... Beach Buoy was awake thanks to his work body clock.
He read for a while.
6-15 a.m. The Gulls called from up above.

7-15 a.m. The Beach was calling.
7-30 a.m. saw Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog arrive in the Beach Car Park.
To the North the Moon was bright.

To the South there was a glow.
A Jack-up Rig was out in the Bay to the North of the Wind Turbines.
The 7 a.m. club were heading back from the South, down by the water's edge.
Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog headed South, there was an 
Icy wind from the West.
The tide was well out.
The 7 am club passed.

5 People
6 Dogs
The 7 a.m club.
Mari, the Large Friendly Poodle bounded over to say hello and receive a neck scratch.
She had an illuminated ring around her neck, it looked like her Halo had slipped.
Then she was off.....

The waves were breaking five steps out, with the tops being whipped away by the cold, strong wind.
The waves were constant, like a series of curtains being closed as they headed for the beach.

The light was becoming brighter but it was very cold.
Beach Buoy had two hoods up and was wearing a D
ut and gloves.
When he wasn't making notes or taking photographs, his hands would disappear up into his coat sleeves to warm up a little.
Beach Buoy picked up a couple of stones for the stack on the dune edge.
As he did so a man with swinging arms, marched  up to the Grey Rocks, did an about turn and headed back to the North.
Beach Buoy stood a while at the stack, looking towards the Sea Serpent and thought about 'Stuff.'
The swinging arm man became a distant dot as Beach Buoy returned to the 
Beach and joined the Oyster Catchers down by the water's edge.

A Large Cargo ship headed for The River Tees.
It's Cargo held in a collection of of dull-coloured metal boxes full of 'Stuff.'
The crew must be keen to get to shore.
Beach Buoy wondered if they could contain their 
excitement ?

Beach Buoy wasn't up to clambering up to the Pier and onto the Blue Lagoon beyond.
He had managed to do the splits yesterday for the first time. (Unintentionally) so walking, even on a flat surface was, shall we say at the least tentative.

The Sun was rising behind the Pier but Beach Buoy would just wait for it to show, rather than go meet it; he had Stubborn Dog, the Moon and the Dunes for company. He beach-combed a while, then started a slow limping walk back.

They headed North; the Beach looked deserted.
Windows started to glow in the distance as the light increased.
Beach Buoy kept turning South to see if the Sun had appeared.
It would appear, when good and ready. to the sound of a silent drum roll.
Beached Sea Water ran quickly down the slope of the Beach, back to its source.
Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog continued North at a more sedate pace.

The Sun finally peek-a-booed over The Pier.

It was bright but still cold.
A Jogger jogged South, to be more accurate half tripped, half jogged as he went.
He was wearing shorts ; he looked cold; his pace seemed to suggest that he was running to the Sun to get a warm?

A Man and his Dog appeared  then disappeared almost as quickly into a Golden Haze.

Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog finished their walk; their Sunshine Shadows leading the way looking as if they were wearing stilts and were practising to run away (With Long Strides.) to the Circus.
Beach Buoy came across this photograph of himself ; dodging waves with Duke the Dog back in the 1970's.
Life was and still is a Beach...