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Friday 13 December 2019


First beach for a few days!
It was 3-30 pm when Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog arrived.
As they left the van, a lady marched to the end of the Promenade, turned 180 degrees and headed back to the North; she was engrossed in her mobile phone.
Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog headed for the water's edge.
It wasn't a long walk as high tide would be in thirty minutes or so.

Four small wading birds (Pebbles with legs.) ran in and out of the water as the tide came in and back out once more.
A Lone Oyster Catcher crossed the beach diagonally, whistling like a builder as he did so.
The Sea was calm but rippled with the waves only breaking at the last opportunity, as if it were an after thought.

Beach Buoy took some stones up to the stack.
There was a breeze up in the dunes from the west, it had felt completely calm on the beach, in more ways than one.

The breeze must have been out in the bay too as the Turbines turned as one at a steady pace.

They headed back.
They met a Dog called Biscuit on the trek North; he was a little cracker.