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Tuesday 24 December 2019


6-25 a.m.
Beach Buoy sat with Tea and Stubborn Dog for company.
He felt a little under the weather.
He was reading a book about a man who travelled the English Coast.
 Beach Buoy found it tough going.

There was a bit too much history for his liking.
Beach Buoy was wanting to know what the air and sea felt like.

The rainfall was falling outside.
Beach Buoy decided to go for a soak in the bath instead of a soaking on the beach. 
Stubborn Dog was asleep; dreaming if the looks were a guide?
Dreaming of Tap Dancing whilst playing the Piano all this taking place as he blew into an imaginary set of bagpipes.

Eventually it was Beach time.
The rain had stopped.
It was 9 a.m.
After a Horse and Dog commotion at the access ramp,
( The dogs in question belonged to the horse-riders. ) they headed down to the wide expanse of the beach.

The Beach was fairly quiet, the tide low.

There wasn't a breath of wind or the whisper of a breeze.
Even out in the Bay the Wind Turbines stood motionless.

A Man and a Dog looked like a random chair.

A few finds, thanks to the Shingle scatterings.

They went the Dunes to Stack the two stones.
The Sea Serpent appeared.

A family group headed South, a young lad straggled at the back of the group.
It was fairly obvious that he was in his own little world.
They were walking the Dog; he was a Pirate; Captain Black Boots. (He was wearing Wellingtons.)
He fought off invaders with an invisible sword, whilst splashing in sea-water pools.
As they faded from view Beach Buoy noted that the invaders had won; the Captain was laid flat on his back in one of the deeper pools, much to his Mother displeasure;soaked to the skin and a long walk back ...

 As a Child, Beach Buoy never did get a pair of those shoes with a compass in the heel and animal tracks on the soles.
Nevertheless, some tracks are easily identifiable.
ABOVE: A Horse.

A Large Dog...

Stubborn Dog and Beach Buoy.

As they left the Beach, a Large Cargo Ship left the River setting Sail for Christmas.

All aboard!
