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Sunday 17 November 2019


Beach Buoy left the house at 7 am to be greeted by the sound of singing birds.
Then came the rumble of the sea, followed by cries of not too distant Gulls.
He drove the short distance to the beach.
Golden Autumn Leaves edged the pavement in places, as if it was gilded.
There were two cars in the Car Park.
Its surface was wet after overnight rain, it reflected the early morning blues of the morning sky; dull blues, not a bright blue of a summer's day. 

The Breeze was from the North East.
A fresh but not chilly breeze and definitely a breeze not a wind.
Gulls and Crows argued near to the Strand-line; vocally not physically. 

Sometimes nature (The Sea.) can place driftwood so that it looks like a sculpture or Beach Art.
Somebody had dragged this piece, it reminded Beach Buoy of the Eyemouth Memorial Sculpture.
A Wife or Mother, arms raised in horror the menfolk perished at Sea.
God Bless Them All.

The Sea had made a scale model of a cliff face as it had made cuts in the sand.

Beach Buoy headed to the Dunes after another 7 am club welcome and a snuggle from that Big Friendly Poodle.
The Sea was less angry than it had been of late, but was still at the door-slamming stage.

The Sun hadn't shown yet.
The was a Hazy Moon; as hazy as a drunks recollection of the night before on the morning after... 
Beach cleaned Football.
Clean Beaches the Goal.

Around 1 pm 
Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog arrived in Amble; a sixty mile drive from Seaton Carew.

It was Market day.
Beach Buoy walked down by Riverside.

Warkworth Castle is not too far away.

They walked along the Pier.

The tide was coming in.

Coquet Island sits just offshore in the Bay.

Near to the beach and Pier is a Toilet Block.
One side said LADIES
The opposing side said

The Underside of the Pier.

They went on to the Beach.

Van looking a little Grubby thanks to the Sat-Nav being on a muddy route setting!

Small Beach Huts sit above the Beach.