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Saturday 2 November 2019


5-15 am and Beach Buoy was in the wide awake club.
He listened.
The overnight rain had stopped.

Time to be up.
Pan of milk on for Coffee and a short wait for the first hint of light, then the beach it would be.

6-33am and Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog were in the car park.
Council vehicles trundled around with their flashing orange lights.
Two cars were parked, top and tailed so that the drivers could talk across the short distance between their opened windows.

Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog headed for the water's edge.
A figure with a dog were already making their way North.

The sky above Saltburn glowed.
Another dog walker went by; his White Dog was in world of its own. It was oblivious to Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog.

The day peeled a Blood Orange dawn, behind the cliffs at Saltburn and Staithes.
In time it put the red in Redcar.
It was a mild morning.
The sea rippled in the breeze.
The waves did break, but at the last minute and with a thud as the volume of water hit the sandy beach.

The driftwood surfer from days gone by did a dawn dance as the sea approached.

Beach Buoy picked up a couple of stones for the stack in the dunes.
He headed up to the Dunes.
Returning to the beach he unintentionally disturbed around a dozen Oyster Catchers that had been stood down by the  Grey Rocks.
The birds flew as one, in an anti-clockwise arc across the bay.
The landed to the north and continued their search for breakfast. 

A lone Cormorant flew over the Dunes in a laboured flight, seemly doing more flaps per foot than any other bird; so home in the sea; so cumbersome above it.

Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog had a stand and think at the Grey Rocks.
Beach Buoy picked up his little mate, the Dog enjoyed the better view as they both watched the Sea Serpent.
He also enjoyed the chance to wash his sea-salty  front paws, that were resting on Beach Buoy's left arm.

A Seal appeared, too distant and too elusive to photograph.
The Seal swam South towards the river.
It had opted for the now you see me, now you don't technique.
Beach Buoy didn't manage a good photograph of the Seal, but he now has many wave photographs!

It was 7-24am.
The 7 am club were on the way.

Mari the Big Friendly Poodle was back for neck scratching.
A White Scottie dog followed.... it didn't want a neck scratch, just somewhere or something to cock a leg and pee at.
It took aim at Beach Buoy's unsuspecting left leg.

The 7 am club had been and gone as Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog headed back.
Beach Buoy thought how good it was that you can get 360 different driftwood sculptures from just one piece.

The 8 am Church Bells rang as they neared the Promenade.
A Horse and Rider were just about to  walk down the beach ramp; Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog stood well back to give them right of way.
The lady rider thanked them and told the tale of a recent trip to Redcar Beach, where four loose dogs chased them like a pack of wolves and that the dog's owners were so rude.

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