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Monday 4 November 2019


Beach Buoy as a boy back in the day at Seaton Carew Sand Dunes.
Fast Forward a large number of decades....
It was a Monday afternoon.
3-45 pm
The tide was 50/50 in and out.
There was  fresh breeze off the sea.
One Man and a Dog headed South.
They were followed by One Man and a Stubborn Dog.
They in turn were followed by yet another Man and a Dog.
It was like a conveyor belt.

If it was The Generation Game Conveyor Belt it would most probably be the easiest one to remember?

One Man and a Dog (Man wearing a Car Coat.)
One Man and a Dog ( Man carrying a Portable TV.)
One Man and a Dog (Dog carrying Cuddly Toy.)

A Lady with three Dogs headed North.
A Faint mist hung over the beach.
The Sea was Rough.
Over on The Headland, waves were hitting The Breakwater and Rocketing into the Sky.

The sea roared as they continued up to the dunes with  couple of rocks for the pile.

Then back to the beach.
They headed north.
As the walk ended it seemed as though the whole village had donned a big flamboyant hat.