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Saturday 21 April 2018


An after work walk instead of an early morning walk this week.
The tide was out but coming in. It was around 4-10 pm.
It was an odd walk, there was a shifting breeze, when it came off the dunes it was hot then another step and it changed to a cool breeze off the Sea. It happened time and time again, a little like walking onto or off a plane into or from a hot Country.
That blast of warm air that tells you you have left Britain's grip and have travelled South.
The Beach seemed to empty a little.I later realised there was an FA Cup semi final on TV.
All the more Beach for me.

By the time I left this end of the Beach the tide had covered this area. I clambered back to the sand via the rocks.

And whenever he feels like it, he slams on the brakes, lays down and sticks his tongue out.