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Monday 31 January 2022


Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach car park at 3-35 p.m.
Beach Buoy had been to work.
It was beach time now.
It was bright with a fresh breeze from the north west.
A rough sea had pushed the strand line up to the promenade.
The area where The Little Terns come to nest later in the year was flooded.

The sea went up to eight steps in places.
Rough angry steps.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog ambled south.
A man with a black dog and a black hat strode along the beach.

The beach was narrow thanks to the high tide.
A man approached from the south end of the dunes.
"Excuse me... Just to let you know there is a seal up there."
The man pointed south.
" Up near those grey rocks. About twice the size of your dog" as he pointed to Another Dog.
"Saw a dead one once." he continued...
"It was at South Gare."
He talked of the beaches around Hull, Spurn Head. 
How if you wanted to catch a bus to Bridlington. It would be a bus from Hartlepool to Middlesbrough.
Then Middlesbrough to Scarborough.
Then Scarborough to Bridlington.
"I wonder if you can get as far as Kings Lynn in a day by Bus?" he pondered.
He was a very pleasant chap.
"See you later "
"See you "
He was gone.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog cut through the dunes.

The sea had had the same idea.

They reached
Stubborn Dog Stack.
"Afternoon Mate."
Beach Buoy placed a couple of stones on the stack and patted
Beach Buoy had made a coffee.
He sipped hot coffee from the thermal mug as the sea roared.
He stood with Another Dog watching the turbulent sea 
It rose and ran the length of North Gare Pier.

The waves crashed into the world war two tank traps and Sand Matin Corner beyond it.
" See you mate "
They headed back to the North.

 A waggy tailed Spaniel headed south.

Another Dog went into Stubborn Dog mode as a small pug walked by with its owners.
Sand Skier Ruby raised a laugh as they passed.