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Monday 10 January 2022


It was an after work beach walk.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach around 3-40 p.m.

There was a fresh, but not chilly breeze from the south west.

There were a few people around, but there was lots of space for everyone.

The tide was well out.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed south along the strand-line.

It was good to fit in a beach walk.
A little like saving some weekend for a weekday night.

Late afternoon sun illuminated clouds hung over the dunes.

A confident looking lady strode diagonally across the beach towards the sea.
Her large loyal dog padded along behind.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog were heading towards the stack when a puzzled looking man appeared at the recently storm-damaged dune edge.

"It's quite a drop."
said Beach Buoy.
Pointing to the south, he added
" The drop is lower at that end."
The man walked so far towards the south then went for it.
He stepped down a collapsing dune.
It delivered him perfectly to the beach below.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed up to 
Stubborn Dog Stack

"Afternoon Mate."
He added some beach stones.
He patted

 They headed back.
Light faded.
Half a Moon watched them leave.