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Saturday, 15 September 2018


It was 6-35 a.m.
The Sun's alarm had gone off and it was at the stretching and yawning stage of 
A Man and Dog headed South, as did Beach Buoy and his matey Stubborn Dog.
A Dog-less Man did the opposite journey.

The Man and Dog turned 180 degrees when they reached the end of the walkable water's edge. As was his way Beach Buoy headed up to the Dunes a little to give the now whistling Dog owner a free  run at having the water's edge all of the way home.

The Sun began to show more as Beach Buoy walked an old strand line up near the Dunes. A strand line from a rougher Sea where lots of Seaweed had been washed up. There was Green and Brown Seaweed all tangled together looking a little rags of Camouflage Material.
As he walked Beach Buoy collected some small beach clean items.
The small haul by the end of the walk would include four lots of tangled fishing line.

Sammy Seal appeared briefly.
There he is; the tiny black dot in the 
centre of the photograph.
The 7 a.m. club appeared around the same time, up to the North.

Beach Buoy headed back  under a Mackerel Sky...

A small Beach clean is better than  no Beach clean.

The 7 am club head back to the South, behind them a Curtain of dawn.

Beach Buoy.