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Monday 10 September 2018


Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog arrived at 6-15 p.m.
The rain was spitting small spots but the evening was mild.
As usual they headed South. Ahead were young couple with arms entwined as they walked side by side, like a couple of drunks helping their even drunker pal get home safe.
The rain spots on the Beach trapped water, showed that is was raining heavier than a walker would have normally noticed.

Beach Buoy carried on South but stopped short of the Grey rocks as the "Drunks." had decided to sit and think there.

Sammy the Seal popped up a few times; as usual too quick for a photograph opportunity.
As he did a Car swerved up and down the Beach, it looked like the "drunks" were driving.

A Blog
 Sammy Seal.
Wet again today.
across to the Headland for Supper. Saw Harry the Human and his Mate. Then more Harry's came in a box; Bloody Packaging! It looked like it was blowing up and down the Yellow Stuff ....did see another stuck on the Yellow stuff a few tides ago.
Sammy Seal.

The Sea was calm.
 Many larger seabirds just sat, just offshore, just bobbing about on the sea like model boats while smaller birds scattered by them, like autumn leaves in a breeze even though was was little or no wind tonight.
As Beach Buoy left the Beach he noticed fire up in the Dunes. He went to put it out as it is usually started by kids and it can be stamped out before spreading too much.
 He saw a small patch that had burnt itself out. More smoke was coming from deeper in the Dunes along with voices of teenagers. Then the sound of a Fire Engine rang out coming all the way along the Sea Front. Beach Buoy reckoned they may be heading his way. He would leave it to them. Beach Buoy went back to his Car and the Fire Engine parked alongside. He informed the fireman (Sam) ; no relation to the Seal, of what he had seen.  Beach Buoy  suggested "Maybe some kids have started the fires to call you out?" " I will go and have a look." said Sam (Not the Seal.) as he walked to the Dunes two kids appeared looking very sheepish but telling Sam (not the Seal.) their story by pointing into the distance. Beach Buoy let the fireman figure it all out.
