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Monday 27 April 2020


It had been sunny and mad hot for much of the day.
They set off for the beach at 6-43pm.
A massive cloud stretched out over this particular part of North East England.
It looked like a massive map of an unknown island with the dark and lighter greys highlighting  the contours of the land. Where the light caught the edges of the 'Island'
it formed make believe beaches, below tall white cliffs.

The cloud shrouded the beach.
The hills of Eston and the Cleveland Hills still had sunshine, as did The Headland.
The temperature had really dropped.

They headed South.
They were overtaken by a man with a swagger and headphones.
He had the walk of Liam Gallagher, but most probably not the same headphones.

As the walk progressed, more and more clouds came to the party.

A man in a white top, passed by, heading North.
It would appear that he was taking his after-shave out for a walk.
As he passed the smell, sorry, 'The Aroma'
 drifted across the beach, carried by the chilly breeze off the sea. 


They called up to the dunes as they always do now.
The headland was now in shadow.

They began to head back.
Well, one of them did.
Stubborn Dog had  other ideas.
He is expert at pointing his paws slightly down over, so that the more you pull, the deeper he goes.

Eventually they made a move after promises of biscuits.

Even the Sun showed up.
Perhaps it wanted Biscuits too?

Beach Buoy glanced back to the South to see what scene the returning Sun had created.

Shortly afterwards....
Stubborn Dog made his move.
He circled Beach Buoy twice with the dog lead.
Beach Buoy was trapped.
Another meeting saw Biscuits and a belly rub on offer.
Stubborn Dog accepted.

Time to go.....