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Sunday 29 July 2018


Oddly, Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog arrived at 6-59am again, as they did yesterday.
Spots of rain fell today with a Fresh Breeze from the South The previous heavier rain had smoothed a thousand footprints that had marked their history on the non-tidal part of the Beach.

Out in the Bay, near The Gares, Three Tees Tugs are waiting for their Ship to come in. They will pull and nudge it into Port. The 7 am club had appeared on the Beach and within a minute of yesterday's timing The Large Friendly Poodle had caught Beach Buoy up near the Dunes for it's usual hello and a neck rub. 
Two Cormorants flew North across The Bay today, but high up in the Sky, not hugging the Sea as so often seen. Beach Buoy wondered if they were higher because of today's tailwind?

Beach Buoy headed for the Bench up in the Dunes once again as the tide was still high enough to stop a full Beach  walk to North Gare Pier.
Beach Buoy had a moment.
He didn't like many films; Fields of Dreams was one that made the grade ( A dead Dad thing.)
"Build it and he will come."
Beach Buoy sat a while wondering if he had company... 36 years was a long time.
He sat for a good while looking out across his home town with prominent markers and memories on the horizon, then across to The Bay with memories of it's own. 
The Breeze Blew.
The Dog sniffed.
The Sea Lapped.
Beach Beach Mulled.

Reluctantly Beach Buoy headed back.
He admired the resilience of the Green and Golden Grasses growing in sand and rocks, bowing in the strengthening breeze. 

Sadly there was strand line of  Plastic Nurdles; thousands of them.
Odd how the Sea and it's tides keep things together like this, Sea Coal, Shingle, Driftwood even Disposable Lighters can turn up in groups; some welcome, some not. 
Beach Buoy grabbed a few hundred Nurdles and placed them in a shoe he had collected as part of his beach clean.

Beach Buoy and his mate headed down to the water and  shuffled back.

