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Saturday 7 July 2018


It was 6-46am.
The heatwave continues.
There was already lots of heat in the Sun.
The land next to the low wall in the Car Park had many large cracks in it due to the lack of rain.
The Council Workers did their jobs cleaning for the day ahead.

The tide was well out.
A Ship slipped between the Gares to enter the River Tees.
Beach Buoy and one Dog headed South.
At the water's edge Two Men stood and talked as three Dogs ran around.
The Sea had been so calm of late that there were number of Strandlines, past and present.
Up on the higher ones, tangles of Brown Seaweed had turned blonde in the Sun and heat; a Rough Sea would claim them.
There were a few scatterings of Shingle spread along the beach but there hadn't been many finds lately and Beach Buoy was trying to be a little more choosey in what he collected,
Beach Buoy walked as far as North Gare and sat for a while near... (Not too near.) the carcass of a long gone dead Seal.
He watched the Sand Martins swoop around like daytime bats and rest, hanging on exposed roots of Marram Grass that hung above their Burrows in the Dune Sand.
The in-coming tide had made a pinch point on the Beach and the 7 am club were already heading back. no neck rub for the Big  Friendly Poodle today.

Beach Buoy went over the rocks as the tide had come in a bit.
He was rewarded with a Summer Sea Alley.

He later went to WHITBY.....

Whitby from West Cliff.

And then he set sail on Bark Endeavour.