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Saturday 19 December 2020


For many year Middleton was THE beach.
Beach Buoy went most weekends with his Father and their big black dog Duke.
Duke was a she, but that's another story.
It was a blowy afternoon as Beach Buoy looked for finds and memories.

Beach cabins had been moved for a third time, again that's  another story.

Seaton Carew laid across a lumpy bay.
The industrial backdrop of Seaton was clear to see, with The Cleveland Hills beyond that.

This sea wall sits in front of an older, metal corrugated wall of rusty coloured steel.

Beach Buoy wondered if this was from the
 Richardsons and Westgarth's Factory 
that used to be up on the bank top above the beach?
Did it mark a Manager's parking spot?

Usually plenty of sea glass around on Middleton.
These were left for others or the sea.

Two columns marked where there used to be impressive double doors that were the entrance to Richardsons and  Westgarth's main offices; proper old fashioned brass and hardwood type offices.

Now it is just a wall, the doorway bricked up.
No Entry.

Gulls flew overhead, hanging in the breeze.
Like Vultures hanging over the death of the factory and its offices.
It died long ago.
Its bones long since stripped bare.

Beach Buoy worked there.
He was one of the last at the very start of his 'Career.'
Funny thing is he would most probably still be there today if it had survived.

 The fence cast go-faster stripes on the van.
Time is going fast enough thanks very much.