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Monday 17 June 2019


Beach Buoy drove the short distance to the beach.
As they approached  the sea front, a man walked by . He was taking two small white clouds for a walk, that's what it looked like.
They arrived in  warm and windy car park at 5-03pm.
The man watching over the Little Tern Nest site, that Beach Buoy had talked the other night, was on duty; binoculars in hand.

The wind was whipping sand from the dunes and scattering it out at sea.... and right across the nest site. Birds face the wind , so those plucky Little Terns must have been getting a face full?

Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog headed south, passing clumps of storm delivered  Seaweed that was laid near the strand line catching the sand  as it tried to blow over.

The Sky was looking good with lots of fluffy white clouds.

The beach was so relaxing and almost deserted. 

Beach Buoy had a long sit and think down by the grey rocks.
Stubborn Dog laid at his feet, as flat as roadkill.

It would have been longer if two random dogs
hadn't appeared from the dunes to run into the sea.

It was time to go...
Beach Buoy passed his own boots prints as they returned.