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Saturday 17 November 2018


7-54 am
Seaton Sands.
A Grey but Mild Morning.

The tide was more out than in.
The Seaton Wreck is visible once again and the Sea was just beyond that.

From a distance it was a washed up Metal Chest; full of gold Coins.
Close up, it was a piece of wood.

Beach Buoy headed South.

A Couple with a Collie (Hopefully called Mollie.)
also headed South. They were passed by a briskly walking, dog-less man in Red.
When they passed he turned on a sixpence and took a photograph of them as they travelled the water's edge.

Fast forward to 2-15 p.m.
Beach Buoy was back on the Beach.

Beach Buoy went South and found a Glass Bottle Stopper.

On the way back Beach Buoy noticed a crowd; someone was down.

To save a long blog...
Always go and ask if you can help.
It is easy to convince 
yourself that you will be in the way or called nosey, whereas in fact you may be helping.

It's no good thinking someone there is trained at all for the situation just because there is a crowd.Beach Buoy asked if there was anything he could do?
There was a 2 hour waited for an Ambulance.
They needed Paracetamol.
There were some in the Van.
A dash to the Van for them ensued.
In the Car Park  Beach Buoy saw a lady in a Hi Viz.
"PARAMEDIC ?" Beach Buoy asked.
"COASTGUARD." she replied
They were on an Exercise!
How Lucky.
She contacted her nearby team by phone.

Beach Buoy took the tablets to the injured  Lady,
Shortly afterwards a Coastguard Pick up Truck appeared as did around another 8 or so team 
She was in safe hands.

So just ask if you can help.
If he hadn't have asked.
He wouldn't have gone to the Van for Tablets and wouldn't have spotted the Coastguard.